CoderGenie Automation Tools

Tools Web Portal

Welcome to CoderGenie Technologies Tools web portal. Here we try to bring innovation to application and production. We have developed several tools which are useful source for the engineers in the network testing, implementation and troubleshooting domain.
Tools is a integral part of our day to day life as network engineers. We use tools for monitoring, collecting data and configuring nodes. Engineers at CGT put their minds together to help build a tool which will assist network engineers in doing their day to day task more efficiently and accurately. Future tools that will be released in our website will include those that help engineers troubleshoot, manage and operate networks. The tools will be free for download and usage after registration. CGT effort is to contribute to the networking community and bring innovative computer software to make the lives of network engineers easier.


Our first tool launched is the CGT Network Configurator. Scaled config on network devices is always a challenge. Building configuration templates with let us say 200 PVCs in a L2VPN AToM can take some time. We do have the option of using scripts but not all networking engineers know scripting. Scripting also takes a bit of time to think out the logic and program. Thus CGT has developed a software to configure your network nodes features such as BGP, OSPF, MPLS etc in both IOS and IOS XR. Read more..

Use innovation in easy 3-Step Process

CoderGenie Technologies brings to you a simple 3-step process of using all the tools and that too with no charge.

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